I am trying to launch an application and open a file in it through applescript. I was able to do it from the Apple Script Editor. This is th escript i wrote:
set AppPath to "<My App Path.app>"
tell application AppPath
if it is running then
end if
tell application AppPath to open POSIX file "<My File Path>"
end tell
If the application was running in background, launch alone was unable to bring it to the foregraound (above the script editor). And if the application was not running, activate was unable to show splash screen. That's why, I used bot launch and activate.
The script is working fine. But I need the script in my c++ program. The app path and the file path will be decided on runtime. So i was generating the script as NSAppleScript and executing the script. And the generated NSApplescript looks as follows:
do shell script "osascript -e 'set AppPath to \"<My App Path.app>\"'
-e 'tell application AppPath' -e 'if it is running then' -e 'activate'
-e 'else' -e 'launch' -e 'endif'
-e 'tell application AppPath to open POSIX file \"<My File Path>\"'"
All the above code is in a single line, I broke it for readability. I get an error saying variable e is not defined
This is not getting executed.
The code I use to generate this script is:
NSMutableString *script = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:512];
[script appendString:@"do shell script \"osascript "];
[script appendString:@"-e 'set AppPath to \\\""];
[script appendString:pathToApp];
[script appendString:@"\\\"'"];
[script appendString:@" -e 'tell application AppPath'"];
[script appendString:@" -e 'if it is running then'"];
[script appendString:@" -e 'activate'"];
[script appendString:@" -e 'else'"];
[script appendString:@" -e 'launch'"];
[script appendString:@" -e 'end if'"];
[script appendString:@" -e 'tell application AppPath to open POSIX file \\\""];
[script appendString:pathToFile];
[script appendString:@"\\\"'"];
[script appendString:@"\"\r"];
I added spaces before -e as user309603 suggested. Now I get a new error:
error "266:266: syntax error: Expected end of line, etc. but found end of script. (-2741)" number 1
The tell block has to be closed in the last line (like you wrote it in AS Editor)
[script appendString:@" -e 'end tell'"];
and btw in the second last line the tell application AppPath to
part is not needed.