
iOS: Duplicate interface definition for class 'EAGLView'

I am developing an iOS project where i'm using Cocos2d,3d and also Augmented reality based Metaio SDK Metaio SDK link in an iOS project. This Metaio integration uses a file and EAGLView.h. Cocos2d is already having EAGLView.m and EAGLView.h. If i build, i get

`Duplicate interface definition for class 'EAGLView'`

How can i make both files working in this project? Please advise!

Thank you!


  • You can refractor one of the class names. I think the would be the quickest, easiest way. Xcode has an option similar to ^click>refractor and choose name. I also recommend saying yes, when Xcode asks you if you want to take a snapshot of the project first, just in case.