
Is there a plugin for Excel import for grails 2.2.0?

Is there a plugin for Excel import for grails 2.2.0? I tried to use http://grails.org/plugin/excel-import, but it shows me the following error:

...\services\org\grails\plugins\excelimport\ExcelImportService.groovy: 4: unable to resolve class org. joda.time.LocalDate @ line 4, column 1. import org.joda.time.LocalDate ^ 1 error

Here is the part of BuildConfig.groovy

    repositories {


    mavenRepo "http://repo.grails.org/grails/libs-releases/"
    mavenRepo "http://m2repo.spockframework.org/ext/"
    plugins {
      compile ":excel-import:1.0.0"

Any help is appreciated.


  • I added plugins.joda-time=1.3.1 to application.properties and it is working now, I have found the solution here http://jonpolaski.blogspot.com/2013/04/grails-2x-excel-import-via-file-upload.html