I'm pretty new at laravel, in fact and I'm trying to create my very first project. for some reason I keep getting this error (I haven't even started coding yet)
Error in exception handler: The stream or file "/var/www/laravel/app/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/laravel/bootstrap/compiled.php:8423
I've read this has something to do with permissions but chmod -R 775 storage
didn't help at all.
To fix this issue, you need to change the ownership of the directory to the unix user that the webserver uses.
Even though I created the project within the VM using the VM user, the folder belonged to the user in the real computer; so, when trying to
Now it's working.
Thanks to all those that helped me figure this thing out
Actually, it still wasn't working, it still gave me a "permission denied" problem.
Here's what I did, I modified my Vagrantfile like this:
config.vm.synced_folder "./app","/var/www/", create:true,
:owner => "vagrant",
:group => "www-data",
:mount_options => ["dmode=775","fmode=664"]