
Cannot test FB.login to post without submitting app for review?

I'm building a share button that will (on the user's behalf) post some text and a link to my company facebook wall as part of a competition entry.

I need to use the scope 'publish_actions' for this. However facebook won't let me ask for that until my App has been submitted for review. How am I supposed to do that when I don't even know if my code works yet!?

I've tried creating a "test app" version of the app but it still has the same error:

publish error

window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
    appId      : 'xxxx',
    xfbml      : false,
    version    : 'v2.0'

FB.login(function(response) {
    if (response.authResponse) {

    } else {

}, {
    scope: 'publish_actions', 
    return_scopes: true


  • People listed as Admins, Developers or Testers within the Roles section of your app dashboard can fully test the app, and request any permissions, without submitting it for review.

    However, you must have your integration reviewed before launching your app to real people (people not listed in the Roles section) if you want to request the publish_action permission from them. The only permissions which do not require review are public_profile, email and user_friends.

    As you're the developer of the app - you should be able to grant yourself publish_actions without any problems.