We're using Roundhouse to deploy our databases and keep versions for SQL Server (2008+)
I have a script which grants permissions and needs to have a username passed in. I know there is support for token replacement in Roundhouse, but the only token I've seen mentioned is {{database}}.
What built-in tokens are available? Can users define their own tokens? Is so how?
At this time ONLY the items in the configuration - https://github.com/chucknorris/roundhouse/wiki/ConfigurationOptions
Note the full name of the option when using token replacement:
-d, --db, --database, --databasename=VALUE | REQUIRED: DatabaseName - The database you want to create/migrate. -c, --cs, --connstring, --connectionstring=VALUE | REQUIRED: ConnectionString - As an alternative to ServerName and Database - You can provide an entire connection string instead.
It's the bolded name, e.g. "{{DatabaseName}}" or "{{ConnectionString}}" from the examples above.