
PHP/MySQL group results by column

in order to keep as few SQL statements as possible, I want to do select set from MySQL:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE category IN (10,120,150,500) ORDER BY category,id;

Now, I have list of products in following manner:

 - product 1
 - product 2
 - product 37

What's the best and most efficent way to process MySQL result?

I thought something like (pseudo PHP)

foreach ($product = fetch__assoc($result)){
  $products[$category][] = $product;

and then when outputting it, do foreach loop:

foreach($categories as $category){
  foreach($products[$category] as $product){

Is this the best, or is something magical like mysql_use_groupby or something?


  • Like mluebke commented, using GROUP means that you only get one result for each category. Based on the list you gave as an example, I think you want something like this:

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE category IN (10,120,150,500) GROUP BY category ORDER BY category, id";
    $res = mysql_query($sql);
    $list = array();
    while ($r = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
      $list[$r->category][$r->id]['name'] = $r->name;
      $list[$r->category][$r->id]['whatever'] = $r->whatever;
      // etc

    And then loop through the array. Example:

    foreach ($list as $category => $products) {
      echo '<h1>' . $category . '</h1>';
      foreach ($products as $productId => $productInfo) {
        echo 'Product ' . $productId . ': ' . $productInfo['name'];
        // etc