I have some models witch are using Doctrine nestedset feature. I want to add delete functionaly of elements from tree since that is required in my application. I was trying with snippets from documentation but I am getting a very strange error with that code.
YAML is here: http://pastie.org/820978
And I am trying with this code in my Menu class witch extends generated abstract class BaseMenu and BaseMenu extends Doctrine_Record :)
Anyway my code:
public function getMenuItem($id)
return Doctrine::getTable('Menu')->find($id);
public function delete($id)
$item = $this->getMenuItem($id);
//echo get_class($item); will return Menu so object exists !?
And I get this an error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getNode() on a non-object
And I just noticed that get_class($item) is trowing a warring (so that probabbly is reason for this strange behavior):
Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, boolean given in...
However I need a solution for this and all hints are welcome...
getNode() returns a Doctrine_Node, not a Doctrine_Record.
A Doctrine_Record can be deleted, but a Doctrine_Node cannot be deleted -- because it is not persistent anyway.
The correct logic would simply be:
$item = $this->getMenuItem($id)->delete();
Also, don't name a method in your model 'delete'!! This will override Doctrine_Record's delete() method, which will drive you crazy trying to debug it.