Here's a puzzler that I can't find an answer to (here at SO or other sites). I'm a newbie to SO, but I'm trying to learn quickly.
I need to change the name of my dll Entry Point procedure from
int subCreatePipe()
int subCreateNewPipe()
But the launching program dies when I do that.
The specific error is:
"The procedure Entry Point subCreateNewPipe could not be located in Dynamic Link Library myPipe.dll"
The settings I'm running on are:
Now here's the kicker:
int subCreatePipe()
in it. TestPipe
project "Lib" subfolder. In TestPipe.cpp I have a line to call to the procedure:
x = subCreatePipe();
I compile the TestPipe.cpp and run the release "TestPipe.exe" and it runs perfectly. It finds the entry point of subCreatePipe.
But I need to rename the DLL Procedure to subCreateNewPipe
to adhere to a naming convention that I have no control over.
int subCreateNewPipe()
In TestPipe.cpp I change the call to the procedure to:
x = subCreateNewPipe();
I compile the TestPipe.cpp and run the release "TestPipe.exe" and it dies (with the error given above).
If I go back and change the DLL Procedure name to subCreatePipe
, it will run again. If I go back and change it to subCreateNewPipe
, it dies again. The only thing I'm doing differently is changing the Entry Point Procedure name.
So my questions are:
even though I'd just leave it blank? (This seems bad form.) A few other things I tried (that still give the same results of "the first way working" but "the second way failing"):
I tried using __stdcall
int __stdcall subCreatePipe() // works
int __stdcall subCreateNewPipe() // doesn't work
I tried using __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLL_IMPORT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLL_IMPORT_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
X_EXPORT_FLAG int __stdcall subCreatePipe() // works
X_EXPORT_FLAG int __stdcall subCreateNewPipe() // doesn't work
I also tried using a .DEF file to define the procedure name to the Linker.
int subCreatePipe() // works
int subCreateNewPipe() // doesn't work
(In all examples I change the TestPipe.cpp code to call the proper procedure name.)
If you can't tell, I'm a bit OCD about trying to figure out the way to get this to work.
I'm now going to go create a new Win32 console app to call the dll (something I should have done 24 hours ago.) However, I'm still very curious why I couldn't change the Entry Point Procedure name. Any insights into why it can't be done, better coding techniques, or how to get around this linker problem would be gratefully welcomed.
In Unmanaged C++, the DLL's don't get cleaned out of the "Release" folder the way they do in Managed C++. You must physically move your new DLL into the "Release" folder of your application program each time you make changes to your DLL.
I learned how to deal with updating DLL's in Managed C++ where all you have to do (in your application program folder) is clear out your old DLL library subfolder and copy in the new Release of the changed DLL's into that empty library subfolder. When you "Clean and Rebuild" the application that calls those DLL's, the Managed VS2010 C++ will delete the old DLL's out of the "Release" folder and copy the new DLL's from the library subfolder into the applications "Release" folder. It nicely keeps your DLL's up to date.
In Unmanaged C++, the "Clean and Rebuild" does not delete your old DLL's out of the application's "Release" folder. And it doesn't copy the new DLL's over from your library subfolder either. So even though I thought I was placing my new DLL's in a folder that my program could find them, they were not being copied like they are under Managed C++.
When Michael Burr gave me the link /dump /exports myPipe.dll
tools, I was able to see the Time Stamp of the DLL and the procedures that were available. (In my case it was the first DLL build which only had one procedure.) It was obvious it was an old DLL and not the current one.
This explains why the app always ran with the old procedure name. However, when compiled with the new procedure name, it gave a procedure Entry Point error because the app was only able to find the old DLL (in which the new procedure name didn't exist).
Thanks again! :)