
Wrapping my head around Ember App Kit -differences compared to working with plain Ember

I have begun using ember app kit and heave read through its guides. However I having trouble wrapping my head around the differences between a regular app and this way that Ember App Kit structures the various bits using ES6 modules instead of stuffing everything into a global variable used as a namespace (e.g. App).

I found that this aspect is not very clearly explained:

Much appreciated in advance!

EDIT (20140506):

These resources explain ES6 modules and EAK really well:


  • I actually did a blog series on this very topic just a few weeks ago. I start with a basic (globals) ember app and transform it over 8 different posts.

    In the end, you have a Gruntfile w/ tasks just like EAK (but you've built it all by hand -one step at a time)