Say I have Caché ObjectScript procedure that expects to receive a by reference array parameter:
S Total=0
S K=""
F {
S K=$O(Arr(K))
S Total=Total+Arr(K)
Q Total
I can call that procedure with a regular array by reference with the dot syntax:
S A(1)=5
S A(2)=10
W $$TotalArray(.A)
But when I try to do it with a global reference, I get a syntax error with the dot syntax:
S ^A(0)=5
S ^A(1)=10
W $$TotalArray(.^A)
What is the correct way to pass a global array by reference to an ObjectScript procedure? I also want to be able to pass process private globals (the ^||Array
If you use it with indirection as Brandon suggested:
S Total=0
S K=""
F {
S K=$O(@ArrName@(K))
S Total=Total+@ArrName@(K)
Q Total
and then you call it like this
W $$TotalArray("^A")
or even
W $$TotalArray("^A(""someIndex"")")