I would like to access an object which is in a play.api.data.Field. This are the related classes.
public class EntryControl extends Model {
public Long id;
public String comment;
@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "entryControl")
public List<EntryControlItem> entryControlItemList;
public static Model.Finder<Long,EntryControl> find = new Model.Finder<Long,EntryControl>(Long.class, EntryControl.class);
public class EntryControlItem extends Model{
public Long id;
public Analysis analysis;
public Boolean passed;
public String comment;
public EntryControl entryControl;
public static Model.Finder<Long,EntryControlItem> find = new Model.Finder<Long,EntryControlItem>(Long.class, EntryControlItem.class);
@JsonSerialize(using = AnalysisSerializer.class)
public class Analysis extends Model {
public Long id;
public String name;
public static Model.Finder<Long,Analysis> find = new Model.Finder<Long,Analysis>(Long.class, Analysis.class);
Now I'm iterating in the template the EntryControl.entryControlItemList which contains some EntryControlItem objects.
@(entrycontrolForm: Form[entrycontrol.EntryControl], status: String)
@repeat(entrycontrolForm("entryControlItemList"), min = 0) { entryControlItem =>
'lable -> "Verbergen",
'class -> "checkbox",
'showTable -> true)
@entryControlItem("analysis").value // <-- the problem is here
I would like to access to the field "name" of the object Analysis. When I run this template I see on the screen "models.analysis.Analysis@1"
@entryControlItem("analysis").value // prints models.analysis.Analysis@1
How can I access the field of Analysis.name?
Ok .. it was to simple :-). Next day, next try. I added the attribute to the object "analysis.name" and that was the solution. It can be handled such like the access of the object.