
Sencha Touch - another view not showing on the tab panel

I have an issue with showing a settings view on the main view when clicking a proper tab. Here is the code for the main view:

Ext.define('App.view.Main', {
requires: [
config: {
    fullscreen: true,
    tabBarPosition: 'bottom',

    items: [
            title: 'About',
            iconCls: 'info',                
            items: {
                docked: 'top',
                xtype: 'titlebar',
                title: 'Home Screen'
            html: 'Home Screen'
            title: 'Maps',
            iconCls: 'maps',
                    docked: 'top',
                    xtype: 'titlebar',
                    title: 'Maps Screen'
                html: 'Maps Screen'         
            title: 'Setiings',
            iconCls: 'settings',
            items: [
                    docked: 'top',
                    xtype: 'titlebar',
                    title: 'Settings'
                    xtype: 'settingsview',
                    id: 'settingsview'

And this is the code for the settings view:

Ext.define('App.view.SettingsView', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
xtype: 'settingsview',

requires: [

config: {

    xtype: 'fieldset',
    title: 'SettingsView',
    instructions: 'In case you do not want the app to detect your location you can enter the city and country.',

    items: [
            name: 'geo',
            xtype: 'togglefield',
            label: 'Auto detect?',
            labelWidth: '55%',
            value: '1',
            name: 'units',
            xtype: 'selectfield',
            label: 'Units',

            options: [
                    text: 'Fahrenheit',
                    value: 'f'
                    text: 'Celsius',
                    value: 'c' 


            name: 'city',
            xtype: 'textfield',
            label: 'City',
            disabled: true
            name: 'country',
            xtype: 'textfield',
            label: 'Country',
            disabled: true
            xtype: 'button',
            text: 'Refresh',
            action: 'refresh',
            margin: '10 5',
            ui: 'confirm'

When the settings tab is enabled it shows only the title bar and the tab bar. No error messages. What am I doing wrong?


  • Try to add layout:'fit' in config inside settingsview


    Modify your main view

                title: 'Setiings',
                iconCls: 'settings',
                layout: 'vbox',
                items: [
                        docked: 'top',
                        xtype: 'titlebar',
                        title: 'Settings'
                        xtype: 'settingsview',
                        id: 'settingsview',
                        flex: 1