
lower case of turkish character dotted i

In Java 6,


prints i (u0069), but in Java 7 it prints i with double dots (u0069 u0307).

I understand it is a Turkish character, but how do I make Java 7 print the same output as v6 using this code?


Also make sure that the code can handle international text without hardcoding the toLowerCase function to use only Turkish locale.


  • There is a quite detailed blog post about this i toLowerCase problem

    Let me try to summarize the essential parts:

    In Java 7 this method has indeed changed and handles this char differently than Java 6. The following code was added:

    } else if (srcChar == '\u0130') { // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I DOT
        lowerChar = Character.ERROR;

    ==> This change results in the following way:

    Basically the end result of this change is that for this specific case (the upper-case dotted I), Java 7 now consults a special Unicode character database (, which provides data on complex case-mappings. Looking at this file you can see several lines for the upper-case dotted I:

    0130;  0069 0307;   0130;   0130;
    0130;  0069;        0130;   0130;       tr;
    0130;  0069;        0130;   0130;       az;