I was adding a adlink to my app and followed all the steps on RevMob's site, but i get the error "Cannot convert from void to RevMobLink". This is the code I'm using:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
RevMob revmob = RevMob.start(this, "536a384465333af826af24f2c");
RevMobAdsListener listener = new RevMobAdsListener() {
public void onRevMobAdReceived() { Log.i("[RevMob]", "onAdReceived"); }
public void onRevMobAdNotReceived(String message) {} // you can create an workaround here
public void onRevMobAdDisplayed() {}
public void onRevMobAdDismiss() {}
public void onRevMobAdClicked() {}
RevMobLink link = revmob.openAdLink(this, listener);
You have to start the session as it follows (http://sdk.revmobmobileadnetwork.com/android.html#session):
public class YourMainActivity extends Activity {
private RevMob revmob;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Starting RevMob session
revmob = RevMob.start(this); // RevMob App ID configured in the AndroidManifest.xml file
In your manifest file, insert your app ID:
<meta-data android:name="com.revmob.app.id" android:value="copy your RevMob App ID here"/>
And open the link ad unit using (http://sdk.revmobmobileadnetwork.com/android.html#link)
revmob.openAdLink(this, listener);
or pre-load it the way you did:
RevMobLink link = revmob.createAdLink(this, listener);
and open it after: