
no auto completion on Eclipse after upgrade to ubuntu 14.04

Eclipse (both Juno and Kepler) started crashing after the Ubuntu upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04. They're not crashing after adding:


to configuration/config.ini


But now the auto-completion has gone. I updated to java 8, added org.eclipse.swt.browser.XULRunnerPath=/usr/bin/xulrunner to configuration/config.ini, using both xulrunner 20 and 29. To no avail. (from )

Even a re-install of Kepler doesn't fix the issue.

What can I do to make it work?


  • Solved it. It turns out that the content assist was there all along (it's working when selected from the context menu). But CTRL+space was highjacked by the input method (IBus). I've deleted the key in the input method and got the content assist back straight away.