
Displaying hidden images in the Pinterest Pin Preview pop-up with addThis plugin

I am currently unable to display images on the Pinterest Pin Preview screen that are hidden (with a display: none) on my page. On my page where the "Pin It" button sits there is a standard carousel, but I am looking for all images within that carousel to be shown on the Pin Preview pop-up.

I have the script include on my page as below:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<a class="addthis_button_pinterest left last" title="Pinterest">&nbsp;</a>

When investigating into this issue I came across this post from 2012, which is essentially the same issue I am experiencing. However there is no follow up to it.

I have experimented with the image_container and image_include properties of addthis_config, but essentially I can't seem to find a way to show the hidden images.

Has anyone came across this problem?


  • I received a reply back from Pinterest Support, as follows:


    We do offer similar functionality when using our Pin It button in "Any Image" mode. You can see the code used to generate it by going to our Widget Builder:

    However, there's no way for us to automatically include hidden images. The one additional functionality that we do offer is picking up the image stored in the og:image tag on your page, if it exists, so if you populate that tag with one of the hidden images, it would show up first in the list.

    Hope this helps!

    Bill | Developer Support Engineer

    So it seems that as of May 2014 this is not possible.