
Ignore Typescript Errors "property does not exist on value of type"

In VS2013 building stops when tsc exits with code 1. This was not the case in VS2012.

How can I run my solution while ignoring the tsc.exe error?

I get many The property 'x' does not exist on value of type 'y' errors, which I want to ignore when using javascript functions.


  • I know the question is already closed but I've found it searching for same TypeScriptException, maybe some one else hit this question searching for this problem.

    The problem lays in missing TypeScript typing:

    var coordinates = outerElement[0].getBBox();

    Throws The property 'getBBox' does not exist on value of type 'HTMLElement'.

    The easiest way is to explicitly type variable as `any`
    var outerHtmlElement: any = outerElement[0];
    var coordinates = outerHtmlElement.getBBox();

    Edit, late 2016

    Since TypeScript 1.6, the prefered casting operator is as, so those lines can be squashed into:

    let coordinates = (outerElement[0] as any).getBBox();

    Other solutions

    Of course if you'd like to do it right, which is an overkill sometimes, you can:

    1. Create own interface which simply extends HTMLElement
    2. Introduce own typing which extends HTMLElement