I have an existing Android application.
I would like to extract another application from that existing one, so that it contains only a certain subset of the original Activities.
What would be the best way/approach for that?
The two applications will be actively maintained simultaneoulsy, so what would be the optimal way so that there is the less overhead possible?
My development environment is Android Studio + gradle...should I just create another variant?..and from that point on, should I just define the source folders? Can I just change the AndroidManifest and use a subset of the original activities?
The approach I followed eventually was to create a new variant like this:
flavorGroups "features"
productFlavors {
normal {
flavorGroup "features"
stripped {
packageName "other.package"
flavorGroup "features"
And I just changed the activity transitions by sending diffent intents from each variant (I created separate source folders for each variant i.e.
src/main, src/stripped, src/normal etc.
I believe this was the fastest approach and has the advantage of being able to customize small parts in the common activities, rather than having an extracted library project and having two copies of the same activity just for a small customization.