
Save SASS to same as origin files

I am using sass with prepros compiler and sublime editor. I need to have each scss file complied with the same file name.

For example: I currently have-

and they are all compiles into style.css to create one full style sheet.

I wish to have a style folder with

which will be done automatically when saving and compiling like I normally do. How can I accomplish this? Thank you


  • Check this link out.

    It states that you can adjust your project structure (in your case CSS folders) in project settings.

    If I remember correctly you may have to buy it so that you can compile more than 4 or 5 Sass files, but I may be wrong.

    Also check that you aren't "only" importing sass partials because of this:

    Any Sass and Scss file (i.e. including partials) imported by another file are not shown in the files list but they are still watched by Prepros. The parent file is re-compiled whenever any of the imported files are changed.