
Xuggler installation

I know this has been hashed over a bit on here, but I have an issue that hasn't been answered. I am attempting to install Xuggler plug it into Eclipse. I have no issues with the idea of adding it to my classpath, my issue is with getting my hands on the actual xuggle-xuggler-5.4.jar file. I've installed the one from the website, but there is only a zip folder, and not a jar file. I even tried to pack the file into a jar myself, but Eclipse wouldn't take it. I've looked everywhere in that zip folder and I haven't seen a jar file anywhere. Should just use the zip folder, or did I mess something up? I saw something where a guy had a xuggler file in his Program Files, but I don't have that.


I've been to the googleCode site given on the Xuggler website, and I've clicked on the one that says xuggle-xuggler-5.4.jar. For some reason, though, when I do this, it tries to install as a zip folder, not as a jar. Then it doesn't work in my classpath. When it installs as a zip, like it does in my case, there is no xuggle-xuggler-5.4.jar file on my computer. Instead, the file that was installed is now


  • I don't use Eclipse myself, so I'm not familiar with your particular problem. I do use Xuggler however, and have successfully used the JAR found on their website. So here's just a couple of quick hints. I apologize if I am telling you things you already know.