
Eclipse Kepler 'Prepare for Deployment' option to create EJB stubs

So we are currently analysing if it is feasible to move out from MyEclipse->Eclipse and one of the areas where we are currently stuck is EJB Deploy.

In MyEclipse there is an option named 'Run EJB Deploy' which generates .ejbDeploy folder with the stubs and tie's for the EJB project, however in Eclipse Kepler there is "Prepare For Deployment" option(Right Click on Project->Java EE Tools->Prepare for Deployment) which I am presuming does the same thing.

However, when I click that option ( Prepare for Deployment ) it conveniently ignores it and does not do anything.

I am not sure what needs to be done to ensure this works the same way as MyEclipse IDE and it generates a resultant .ejbDeploy folder like it does in Eclipse with stubs.

Also, if this is not possible, can we achieve similar bahevior using ANT or MAVEN?

Any insights will be helpful.

P.S: We are currently using EJB 2.1 and dont have any plans to move to EJB 3.0 soon so steps related to EJB 2.1 will help. Also, for the purpose of this evaluation, we are using Websphere 7.0 which is the server that we want to use

Thanks, Yogendra


  • Okie, so I did the following as a work around for getting this to work :

    1. In the WAS 7 installation bin directory - WAS_PATH/AppServer/bin there is a tool provided by WAS named "ejbdeploy.bat" which achieves the functionality that I am expecting.

    Simply running the following command solved the problem for me:

    ejbdeploy.bat -cp "C:\tpp\FW.jar;C:\tpp\DA.jar;C:\tpp\Common.jar" C:\tpp\AR.jar C:\tpp C:\tpp\deployed\AR.jar -complianceLevel 5.0

    It takes the following inputs:

    Hope this helps anyone looking for similar solutions.

    Thanks, Yogendra