Here is an example of the sort of C program one could write in the old days:
#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
int gd=DETECT, gm;
initgraph(&gd, &gm, "c:\\turboc\\bgi");
I think this was turbo C under MSDOS. It gives you a drawing on the screen and can be easily extended to do speedy animated graphics such as those found in xscreensaver hacks.
How would I write the equivalent in gcc on ubuntu? Can it be done in Java?
/* gcc -std=gnu99 -o circle circle.c -lX11 */
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
/* connect to the X server and make a window */
Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay (getenv ("DISPLAY"));
Window w = XCreateSimpleWindow (dpy, DefaultRootWindow (dpy),
100, 100, 640, 480, 1,
BlackPixel (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy)),
WhitePixel (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy)));
/* raise it and wait */
XSelectInput (dpy, w, StructureNotifyMask);
XMapRaised (dpy, w);
for(XEvent e; ( e.type != MapNotify );
XWindowEvent (dpy, w, StructureNotifyMask, &e));
/* create a graphics context for drawing in the window */
GC g = XCreateGC (dpy, w, 0, NULL);
/* draw a circle */
/*wait for key press*/
XSelectInput (dpy, w, KeyReleaseMask);
for(XEvent e; ( e.type != KeyRelease );
XWindowEvent (dpy, w, KeyReleaseMask, &e));
/*clean up*/
XDestroyWindow( dpy, w );
XCloseDisplay (dpy);