
Play/BoneCP message "releaseHelperThreads has been deprecated"

Does anyone know if the following message obtained when starting a Play 2.2 app is important or not?

WARN  - releaseHelperThreads has been deprecated 
  -- it tends to slow down your application more.

I cannot find this setting anywhere, and most references to the message are just log output. I'm assuming it is a bonecp setting, but can't see where play is setting it, if, in fact, it is doing so.


  • Judging from this, play is setting releaseHelperThreads to 0 (disabled?), but as the setting is deprecated, any call to the setter produces the warning message. If I understood the code comments correctly, the message will disappear once Play moves to BoneCP 0.8.0 or beyond. Bottom line: nothing to worry about.