
How can I get NSManagedObject from NSExpression?

I have this predicate:

DG == <DG: 0x8c8dbd0> (entity: DG; id: 0x8c91140 <x-coredata://5F7ECBA0-D9B4-489A-85DA-3BE10A8D65CB-94947-00026842BC158909/DG/p2> ; data: <fault>)

How can I restore NSManagedObject from comparisonPredicate.rightExpression.constantValue


  • My solution is to my own problem was instead of use this kind of predicate: @"DG == %@", I use now that: @"DG.objectID == %@", and of course the argument is not the NSManagedObject but the NSManagedObjectID.