
SQL Server profiler shows stored procedure being called but is not actually executed

I have a problem I will try to summarize it:

I run SQL Server Profiler to track the call of a stored procedure. It shows that the stored procedure is being called but is not actually being executed.

I know that because the stored procedure updates a column to avoid concurrency and each call to the stored procedure needs to use different (updated) parameters, so when I run directly the call from the profiler into SSMS it runs okay, then if I run it for the second time it gives the concurrency problem showing that the first time it wasn't actually ran.

I ran out of ideas on why is this happening. SQL Server Profiler shows the stored procedure being called but is not actually being called!

Thanks and regards.

EDIT: more info

Basically is some weird thing, probably the weirdest I have seen for now. The SQL Server Profiler shows the stored procedure being called but apparently it never finishes but the stored procedure is perfectly ok knowing the fact that if I run directly the EXACT SAME call that the profiler showed, it will run ok.

Is a little bit weird but I hope that clarifies it a little bit more.


  • We fixed the problem by changing the setting 'ARITHABORT'.

    The wrost thing to try to find the problem was that the stored procedure call that didn't work from entity framework, worked from SSMS and that was because SSMS overrides some of the options and we didn't see that problem.

    We installed the old application into the same environment (same DB) and at some other different place of the app, it showed this error:

    UPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or filtered indexes and/or query notifications and/or XML data type methods and/or spatial index operations.

    So the problem was with an update, but that update didn't come directly from the SP but from a trigger triggered by a trigger triggered by the SP, so we didn't have any log of that, as crazy as it sounds.

    Luckily for us the old app we try to replace "fixed" the problem by hinting us into the right direction.

    Thanks everyone for your help!