
(3ds max SDK) How do I get the node of a Control?

I am implementing a LookAt Controller plugin by deriving from the Control class.

Everything works fine, except that I don't understand how I can get a INode pointer to the node that the Control belongs to. How do I get this pointer? (I need to access the pointer from within the code of my LookAt class.)


  • Don't get the node pointer. Controls shouldn't know how their values are being used, just take your inputs, apply your algorithm to it, and return the value.

    For example, to create a LookAt, I would define my Control to be of superclass type CTRL_ROTATION_CLASS_ID. When this control evaluates (GetValue is called with method = CTRL_RELATIVE), it will be passed a pointer to the transform you want to apply your value to. Assuming your rotation is part of a PRS, then the transform will be the parents transform, + the Position part of the (P)RS.

    void YourClass::GetValue(TimeValue t, void* val, ...)
        Matrix3* pInTransform = reinterpret_cast<Matrix3*>(val);
        Point3& pMyPosition = pInTransform->GetTrans();

    With the position, you can get the position of your target, then rotate/set that input matrix so your eye vector points at the target

    I'd highly recommend the learning path section of the documentation for a general understanding of how the animation hierarchy in Max works.
