
Attaching hashtag to URL with javascript

I want to build an ajax site without sacrificing SEO. My question is: If I have link on my page like this:

   <a href="" id="cats">Cats</a>
   <a href="" id="dogs">Dogs</a>

...when each link is clicked I would like to update the address bar with the corresponding hashtag. So, if "Cats" link is clicked the current location will be and I can use this to show my ajax content. If javascript is off or user is search engine, they will go directly to /cats


  • You can change the location.hash property, it will change the current anchor identifier without navigating away form the page, for example you could:

    <a href="" id="cats" class="ajaxLink">Cats</a>
    <a href="" id="dogs" class="ajaxLink">Dogs</a>


    $('.ajaxLink').click(function (e) {
      location.hash =; // get the clicked link id
      e.preventDefault(); // cancel navigation
      // get content with Ajax...