
Using Visual Studio 2008 DBPro to convert database from Sql 2005 to Sql Server 2008

I have a DBPro database project that was created for Sql 2005. I am trying to build this on a different environment, with Sql 2008, and I am getting the following error:
MSBUILD : Build error TSD158: An unsupported target database version was encountered.
I couldn't find much on this error, and I am unclear what is the conflict. I have tried to change the buildversion element in the database project from 9.0.21022.8 to but that didn't make any difference. I am out of ideas. Any thoughts?


  • To target SQL Server 2008, don't you need some GDR update? See http://blogs.msdn.com/gertd/archive/2008/11/25/visual-studio-team-system-2008-database-edition-gdr-rtm.aspx

    Also, it might be easier to take your database, restore it on SQL Server 2008 (and let the database upgrade the database itself). Then just start a new project where you suck down the schema. But I still think you'll need the GDR in order to do that.