
Calling pydoc in OSX - how do the links work, exactly?

calling pydoc file is returning, bad interpreter. no such file or directory.

There's a workaround by calling it like python -m pydoc file.

I would love to understand the way the links work better. For example what does the following do?

sudo ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/pydoc /usr/bin/pydoc
- which one is linking to which?

I'm running version 2.7 and pydoc exists in the /usr/bin/, as do pydoc2.5 and pydoc2.6. Same issue with python-config, which also exists in 2.5 and 2.6 versions.

Thanks a lot for any insight.

Here's how problem was solved, based on correct answer below:

Apparently whatever i had under pydoc2.7 was not the right thing. Thanks a lot for explaining how links work!


  • The command:

    sudo ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/pydoc /usr/bin/pydoc

    Creates a link called /usr/bin/pydoc that points to:


    On my system, this file doesn't exist. Instead, I have:


    Notice the 2.7 at the end.

    So you've created a link to a file that doesn't exist and you get a complaint on your command line. The fix is simple, delete /usr/bin/pydoc (first make sure it is a link by typing ls -l /usr/bin and look for pydoc -- if it has an l next to its permissions, then it's a link). Then, type:

    sudo ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/pydoc2.7 /usr/bin/pydoc

    This will create a link to the correct file and you should be able to run pydoc as a script now.