
Get Frame rate statistics on android

I am doing a project where I am scaling the frequency of the GPU of a Nexus 7 through the kernel to save power. To measure QoS/performance I am trying to collect data on frames rendered (drawn/dropped). I am hoping to run a few games/videos to see the frame rate. I am aware that I can collect data through the adb with the command

$>adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo <package_name>

in developer mode with "Profile GPU rendering" enabled. This only outputs the time taken to draw/process/execute for the last 128 frames for each package/application. I am wondering if there is a hack to increase the number of frames


if I can get rendered frame statistics another way. I understand we can use systrace/tracer for OpenGL ES. Neither outputs stats-just wave forms.


  • If it is the newer Nexus 7 with the snapdragon chip you could consider using the Adreno Profiler from their site. You'll have to make an account first though.