I wanted to create class to handle the TTree:
from ROOT import *
from Exceptions import *
import os.path
class NTupleHandler:
def __init__(self, fileName, eventType):
if not os.path.isfile(fileName):
raise InputError( fileName)
f = TFile(fileName, 'read')
if f is None:
raise InputError("openError"+fileName)
if dir is None:
raise InputError("directory Error"+eventType)
def getEntry(self):
return self.tree.GetEntriesFast()
But calling the function getEntry i the error occured:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ja/PycharmProjects/studyChi2/python/NTupleHandlerTester.py", line 19, in testHandlerShouldReturnNoEvents
File "/home/ja/PycharmProjects/studyChi2/python/NTupleHandler.py", line 23, in getEntry
return self.tree.GetEntriesFast()
AttributeError: 'PyROOT_NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetEntriesFast'
How can I forced python to remember the type of NtupleHandler.tree?
If you want to use ROOT classes in a Python environment you are better off using rootpy than pyroot. In rootpy the conversion of ROOT files containing trees into HDF5 format with PyTables is already done. Have a look and see if what you want is in rootpy.