
Struts 2 jQuery plugin isSubscribe not working

The struts 2 jQuery plugin has a built in publish/subscribe framework.

If you define your own publish and subscribe event (for example on a grid) the subscribed function will be called every time the event is published. For details please see (Struts 2 jQuery Subscribe is called more than once)

To prevent this, there is a isSubscribed method which can be used.

For a grid as:

<sjg:grid id="gridtable" 
        onBeforeTopics="before_grid_load" >

The JS will be:

$.subscribe('before_grid_load', function(event, data) {     

    if ( $('#gridtable').isSubscribed('before_grid_load') ){
      return ;    
//go on with function

The problem is that the $('#gridtable').isSubscribed('before_grid_load') returns false every time!


  • The function isSubscribed is applied on the element $('#gridtable') but subscribed to the $(document). I have tested with the last element and it didn't work to me. But tried with the first element and it worked.


      <link href="<s:url value="/css/template_styles.css"/>" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
      <sj:head />
      <title>jQuery Grid</title>
      <script type="text/javascript">
        console.log("Before subscribe");
        $("#gridtable").subscribe("beforeTopic", function(topic, data) {
          console.log('Topic: '+data, topic);
          if ( $("#gridtable").isSubscribed("beforeTopic") ){
            console.log('Subscribed: '+data, topic);
          //go on with function
          console.log('Not subscribed: '+data, topic);
        console.log("After subscribe");

    For grid:

    <sjg:grid id="gridtable" 
            onBeforeTopics="beforeTopic" >