I have a custom server control which is added to many different asp.net pages (it generates a blueimp jquery file upload plugin).
How can I raise an event on that server control from javascript/ajax? Or from an http handler? I'd like to raise an OnFileUploaded event on that control after jquery file upload has posted with ajax some files to an HTTP handler?
I've used the code that @Dalorzo wrote. Then I had to postback to my control as the target like this:
myctrlPostBackEventReference = Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(myCtrl, "");
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "initMyClientVariable", "var postBackEventReference=\"" + myctrlPostBackEventReference + "\";", true);
and in my javascript file I've added:
to execute it.
Then I still had a problem that I wanted to prevent full page render, so I used the same method, but I posted back to a 'dummy' updatepanel as the target. The update panel raised the event on my desired control (I've sent the desired control id as an __EVENTARGUMENT (the second parameter of GetPostBackEventReference) for the update panel to distinguish which event should actually be raised.
You need to implement IPostaBackEventHandler
and/or IScriptControl
something like:
[ToolboxData("<{0}:ComboBox runat=server></{0}:ComboBox>")]
public class ComboBox : DropDownList, IScriptControl, IPostBackEventHandler
Here is how you use IPostBackEventHandler
// Defines the Change event.
public event EventHandler Change;
//Invoke delegates event Change.
protected virtual void OnChange(EventArgs e) {
if (Change != null) {
Change(this, e);
// Implements IPostBackEventHandler that raises the change events.
public void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument){
OnChange(new EventArgs());