I'm currently trying to fetch the medoo framework so that I can begin easily retrieving data from my MySQL database... and for some reason it doesn't work!
here's the code of my signin.php file
function loginUserAccount($loginname, $password){
// Include Medoo (configured)
require_once 'medoo.min.php';
// Initialize
$database = new medoo();
$email = $database->get('MM_Users', 'Email', [
'ID' => 1
return $email;
And the error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'require_once' (T_REQUIRE_ONCE), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) in /myfiledirectory/example.php on line 4
Any help is greatly appreciated! I'm not quite sure at what's going wrong.
The php file that's running is :
if(!loginUserAccount('bobby@gmail.com', 'AveryRandomPassword')){
echo 'error';
} else {
echo $email;
There's also a difference in the wrapping for require_once... this doesn't make a difference does it? And if so, which one is more advisable to use in a production environment?
You can't have require_once
inside a class without a function.
That's the main reason.
Try putting the require_once
in the construct
To be exact :
class foo
will throw an error.