I'm trying to make something the following server POST request using MultipartEntity:
parameters: {"parameter1"=>"parameter1", "parameter2"=>{"sub_parameter1"=>"sub_parameter1", "sub_parameter2"=>"sub_parameter2"}}
I am currently using something like:
multipartEntity.addPart("parameter1", new StringBody("parameter1"));
FormBodyPart parameter2 = new FormBodyPart("parameter2", new StringBody("")); // It wouldn't allow a null ContentBody
parameter2.addField("sub_parameter1", "sub_parameter1");
parameter2.addField("sub_parameter2", "sub_parameter2");
However, the sub fields do not carry though. I just get:
parameters: {"parameter1"=>"parameter1", "parameter2"=>""}
How do I create a nested structure in either the MultipartEntity or the FormBodyPart elements it contains?
once you've seen how the form entries are transferred over HTTP connection, you'll understand it's impossible to have anything nested with the multiform request as well as with the url-encoded request.
things are very simple. multipart form request has the format of:
--- content-boundary ---
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="form_data_name"
[content (skipped)]
--- content-boundary ---
that's it. there's stream of single data form entries in the format: [form entry name] -> [form entry content] that repeats for every entry in the form. it's not recursive, therefore there may not be any nested structures.