
How do I define a policy value for a Chrome extension using the managed storage API?

I have written a Chrome extension that uses the managed storage API to allow Google Apps administrators to configure its "options" via a policy name and value. When I install the extension I see a new section at chrome://policy for the extension and an indication that there are "No policies set."

I'm trying to figure out how to set this from the Google Apps management console. I have a Chrome management license and can install the extension, but I don't see any obvious place to define values for the extension's option as defined in its schema.json file.

I do see documentation at but I'm on a Chromebook and am assuming there is some way to specify this from for my domain.

Am I missing something obvious? Thanks.


  • We're still working on it :-) This is being tracked at (sorry, only visible by project members for now) and we're targeting ChromeOS 37.

    We're also interested in use cases you'd like to support via this API and the console. Please file bug reports or feature requests at, using the Enterprise template.