
What is the correct way to launch slimerjs in casperjs (with an absolute path)?

slimerjs launch

Well, i can launch slimerjs by specifying the path of the slimer.bat file : C:\bin\slimerjs\slimerjs.bat and then execute my file.

But if i modify casperjs file (in bin\ ) and modify the default exec for slimer :

    'env_varname': 'SLIMERJS_EXECUTABLE',
    'default_exec' : 'C:\bin\slimerjs\slimerjs.bat'

when i execute the casper command :

    casperjs --engine=slimerjs test.js

It doesn't work, the path to slimerjs.bat seems to be ignored.

I tried this too : https://github.com/laurentj/slimerjs/blob/master/BUILD.md

But the slimerjs.exe alone isn't sufficient, i need to have application.ini and omni.ja in the current folder where i'm executing my tests, and i don't want to add some files in every folders.

What i want is just to execute slimerjs in casperjs with the engine property, whatever is the folder where i am, like in phantomjs so i need to set an absolute path (or relative path from root).

I don't want to be in the slimerjs.bat folder and specify the folder or js test i want to execute like that : casperjs test C:/bin/try/test.js --engine=slimerjs.

Here one similar issue : https://github.com/n1k0/casperjs/issues/591

Edit (thanks to Darren Cook for his answer) for more details :

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\\bin\\slimerjs

If i set a Windows PATH for slimer, when i execute casperjs test --engine=slimerjs test.js, i have this message :

fail slimerjs

But adding the two files in the test.js folder solves the problem.


So i think i have to modify the slimerjs bat file, to set the :callexec path from the slimerjs.bat folder, not the current test.js folder.

Here :

if ["%HIDE_ERRORS%"]==[""] (
    %SLIMERJSLAUNCHER% -app "%SLIMERDIR%application.ini" %PROFILE% -attach-console -no-remote %__SLIMER_ARGS%
) ELSE (
    %SLIMERJSLAUNCHER% -app "%SLIMERDIR%application.ini" %PROFILE% -attach-console -no-remote %__SLIMER_ARGS% 2>NUL

with :


The problem is that i'm not familiar with this syntax (batch file), it might be already correct and the problem doesn't come from here.

But what i observe is that it seems to look for application.ini and omni.ja from the current folder, not the slimerjs folder.

PS : second idea doesn't work but now i know it comes from slimerjs.


REM % ~ d[rive] p[ath] 0[script name] is the absolute path to this bat file, without quotes, always.
REM ~ strips quotes from the argument

So the path seems to be good, and in fact it works with slimerjs alone : slimerjs test.js works great and it doesn't ask for application.ini. So it's the combination of the two which doesn't work.

When you launch it with the casper command, the path is different (current folder) , and application.ini isn't recognized any more.


  • Answer -> i finally found a way that suits me : like this :


    So i put slimer in PATH, and i have to have application.ini and omni.ja at the same level as my directories contening my test files. That way it's not inconvenient, and i can launch my directories or files with slimerJS.

    See also Git Issue

    EDIT : Here the best solution : install it via npm : npm install -g slimerjs -g to be available everywhere. And that's it, juste choose your --engine=slimerjs with casper and it works. Thx for this node module.

    For the best way to install phantomjs + casperjs + slimerjs without PATH and OS compatibility headlock :

    npm install -g phantomjs
    npm install -g casperjs
    npm install -g slimerjs

    In windows the exe will be set here : C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\npm (you don't need to put them in PATH, node -npm actually- manages it with the -g flag).

    Keep in mind slimerjs has some relative path problems, so to keep the compatibility between phantom and slimer, use fs.workingDirectory, see Is there a way to step in to CasperJS code and Debug step by step