I wanted to use hmatrix but it insists on Double
and this gives rounding errors sometimes. Looking at the source, I tried
type instance DoubleOf Rational = Rational
but DoubleOf
is not exported (Numeric.ContainerBool
is hidden), and that's probably for a reason.
You can perform exact operations on matrices using bed-and-breakfast
Here's sample ghci session:
>>> import Numeric.Matrix
>>> import Data.Ratio
>>> let m = fromList [[1 % 2, 2 % 3], [3 % 4, 4 % 5]] :: Matrix Rational
>>> det m
(-1) % 10
>>> m * m
3 % 4 13 % 15
39 % 40 57 % 50
>>> m^4
563 % 400 819 % 500
7371 % 4000 10723 % 5000