I'm having difficulty with the Channel API, but only on production. On the dev server this works, but on production I'm getting an Invalid+token error in my javascript, and somehow blank errors in my Python.
Here's my server side code. 'channel_test' is my controller, 'do_send_message' is a function that is deferred, and 'send_message' is a wrapper with a try-except block. Basically it's creating the channel, setting the token as a cookie, and calling deferred tasks until a counter goes up to 100. Each time a task is run, it sends a message over the channel.
def channel_test(self, key):
if not users.is_current_user_admin(): return 403
client_id = self.user.email()+key
token = channel.create_channel(client_id, duration_minutes=10)
print 'token: %s' % token
self.response.set_cookie('token', urllib.quote(token))
deferred.defer(do_send_message, client_id, _queue='retry')
# channel communication
def send_message(client_id, msg):
msg is a dict
if client_id:
print 'client_id: ', client_id
channel.send_message(client_id, json.dumps(msg))
print 'sent message %s' % msg
except Exception as e:
print 'something went wrong with msg, %s: %s, %s' % (msg, e, e.__str__())
print 'not sending message; no client id'
def do_send_message(client_id, x=10):
text = "here's a message! %s" % x
if x >= 100:
text = "Done!"
msg = {"text":text, "percent":x}
send_message(client_id, msg)
if x < 100:
deferred.defer(do_send_message, client_id, x+10, _queue='retry')
Each time 'send_message' is called, it fails, but 'e' doesn't print anything out. Here's the output in the log:
something went wrong with msg, {'text': "here's a message! 10", 'percent': 10}: ,
Furthermore, my client side javascript fails to open the connection. It just get the error 'Invalide+token'. This basically reads the token from the cookie, opens a connection, and each time a message is passed, it writes the message to a notification tray, until the message == 'Done!' and then reloads the page. But, as a said, it fails immediately and onError prints 'Object {description: "Invalid+token.", code: "401"}'.
// globals
var channel, socket, hide;
var $msg = $('#channel-message');
var $bar = $('#notification-tray .progress-bar');
onMessage = function(obj){
var message = JSON.parse(obj.data);
if (message.percent !== undefined){
$bar.css('width', message.percent+'%');
onOpen = function(){
$bar.css('width', '10%');
onClose = function(){
onError = function(err){
function closeAndReload(){
$.removeCookie('token', {path:'/'});
$.removeCookie('hide', {path:'/'});
function switchMsg(msg){
if (msg == 'Done!'){
function initializeChannel(){
channel = new goog.appengine.Channel(token);
socket = channel.open();
socket.onmessage = onMessage;
socket.onopen = onOpen;
socket.onclose = onClose;
socket.onerror = onError;
token = $.cookie('token');
if (token !== undefined && token != ""){
This works perfectly on my dev server, even though I get this issues in production.
Thanks in advance.
Okay this is frustrating, but I think I've figured out that the token has a certain undocumented maximum length. I set the client_id to
client_id = self.user.email()+key[0:10]
instead of
client_id = self.user.email()+key
and it now works. Of course it's annoying that (1) it works on the dev server and not on production and (2) the error is not very informative.