
Go: how to run tests for multiple packages?

I have multiple packages under a subdirectory under src/, running the tests for each package with go test is working fine.

When trying to run all tests with go test ./... the tests are running but it fails..

the tests are running against local database servers, each test file has global variables with db pointers.

I tried to run the tests with -parallel 1 to prevent contention in the db, but the tests still fail.

what can be the issue here?

EDIT: some tests are failing on missing DB entries, I completely clear the DB before and after each test. the only reason I can think of why this is happening is because of some contention between tests.


each one of my test files has 2 global variables (using mgo):

var session *mgo.Session
var db *mgo.Database

also it has the following setup and teardown functions:

func setUp() {
   s, err := cfg.GetDBSession()
   if err != nil {

   session = s

   db = cfg.GetDB(session)


func tearDown() {


each tests startup with setUp() and defer tearDown()

also cfg is:

package cfg

import (

func GetDBSession() (*mgo.Session, error) {
    session, err := mgo.Dial("localhost")

    return session, err

func GetDB(session *mgo.Session) *mgo.Database {
    return session.DB("test_db")


I changed cfg to use a random database, the tests passed. it seems that the tests from multiple packages are running somewhat in parallel.

is it possible to force go test to run everything sequentially across packages ?


  • apparently running go test -p 1 runs everything sequentially (including build), I haven't see this argument in go help test or go help testflag