
Eclipse/STS auto-correcting "new" as "newEmail"

I am using Spring Tool Suite Version: 3.5.0.RELEASE Build Id: 201404011851, which is based on Eclipse.

The auto-correct works great, but it is annoying on some cases. The worst case is when I type "new" followed by a space and STS replaces with "newEmail".

I do know how to turn the auto-correction off, but what I really want is to just remove the new->newEmail entry from the list.

Thank you


  • Maybe there is a Java code template that's being inserted. In Preferences, look in Java > Editor > Templates to see if there is something that looks like the culprit. You can edit those templates and remove the option to auto insert.

    Also under Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced you can disable entire groups of proposals, if this is one that is coming from a group that you can identify.