
Is possible to increase the size of ActionBarDrawerToggle (Drawer menu)?

I followed ActionBarDrawerToggle GUIDE

And I know how to show the icon of drawer on Action Bar by using drawerImageRes in this.

public ActionBarDrawerToggle (Activity activity, DrawerLayout drawerLayout, int drawerImageRes, int openDrawerContentDescRes, int closeDrawerContentDescRes)

The Activity hosting the drawer drawerLayout

The DrawerLayout to link to the given Activity's ActionBar

drawerImageRes A Drawable resource to use as the drawer indicator

openDrawerContentDescRes A String resource to describe the "open drawer" action for accessibility

closeDrawerContentDescRes A String resource to describe the "close drawer" action for accessibility

But the icon looks like so small,

So I want know Is possible to increase the Drawer icon size?

People help me please,



  • I found the answer, I need research about Action Bar first.

    Add this :

    <style name="Theme.white_style" parent="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar">
            <item name="android:actionBarSize">64dp</item>
            <item name="actionBarSize">64dp</item>

    It worked!

    p/s : According to Iconography, define height matched the specification for the action bar icons, which is 32 x 32 dp.

    mdpi - 32 dp = 32 px

    hdpi - 32 dp * 1.5 = 48 px

    xxhdpi - 32 dp * 2 = 64 px

    Extra reference