I'm looking for a way to access the JSON being sent back to the requestor in the "after" filter for a controller.
var locomotive = require('locomotive');
var myController = new locomotive.Controller();
myController.after('myAction', function(next) {
var response = {}; //I want to access the JSON being sent back in myAction: {'hello':'world'}
console.log(response); //this should log "{'hello':'world'}"
myController.myAction = function myAction() {
module.exports = myController;
If anyone has any way of doing this, it would be much appreciated.
I found a "hack" solution... It's not the cleanest, and requires changing the code within the express response.js file in "node_modules"...
If anyone has a better option where you can access the json being sent in response to the request within the controller action (or controller filter) itself, I'd greatly appreciate it.
in the ~/node_modules/locomotive/node_modules/express/lib/response.js file, I altered the "res.json" function (line 174 for me) to include the following line after the declaration of the body variable (which is passed to the send function).
this.responseJSON = body;
This allows you to access this.responseJSON within a controller's after filter, as follows:
myController.after('myAction', function(next) {
**var response = this.res.responseJSON; //ACCESS RESPONSE JSON HERE!!!!!**
console.log(response); //Now logs "{'hello':'world'}"
Like I said, not the most elegant, but gets the job done in a pinch. Any more elegant solutions welcome...