I am sending some data into a system,from a .NET system, that uses the Adobe TextFlow format to render the output,
Is there a .NET Library that can help me out.
for reference the initial tag looks something like this.
<TextFlow columnCount="inherit" columnGap="inherit" columnWidth="inherit" direction="ltr"
fontLookup="embeddedCFF" lineBreak="inherit" paddingBottom="inherit" paddingLeft="inherit"
paddingRight="inherit" paddingTop="inherit" renderingMode="cff" verticalAlign="inherit"
whiteSpaceCollapse="preserve" xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/textLayout/2008">
No, unfortunately there aren't any .NET libraries to output Adobe TextFlow markup.
However, since the TextFlow format is just a type of XML, you can use the .NET XML capabilities to create the markup.