
sort, mplayer and xargs

I have a directory full of music files that I want to play in mplayer. I want to play these files in order of their track number which is the forth field (space separated) in their filename. I know I could do something like this:

ls | sort -nk4 | playlist

and then

mplayer -playlist playlist

but I would like to be able to do it without creating a playlist file. The best I have so far is

ls | sort -nk4 | xargs -I{} mplayer {}

This seems to work but I am unable to use any of the normal mplayer controls. I am curious if this is possible. It seems it should be as you can type

mplayer songA.flac songB.flac songC.flac...

and it works fine.


  • Once mplayer is after a pipe, its std input is connected to the pipe now and not your keyboard, so the mplayer's controls stop working - try this instead:

    eval mplayer $( printf "%q\n" * | sort -n -k4 )

    or if your ls has -Q (quote) option:

    eval mplayer $( ls -Q | sort -n -k4 )

    Kinda messy as you see, so I'd again recommend using temp files ( been there, done that :).