I need to derive Eq for a data, but for some constructors I want to ignore some fields. The data is for representing DataTypes (we are developing a compiler):
data DataType
= Int | Float | Bool | Char | Range | Type
| String Width
| Record (Lexeme Identifier) (Seq Field) Width
| Union (Lexeme Identifier) (Seq Field) Width
| Array (Lexeme DataType) (Lexeme Expression) Width
| UserDef (Lexeme Identifier)
| Void | TypeError
deriving (Ord)
I need to ignore the Width
field from every contstructor it appears in.
You could write your own instance of Eq
instance Eq DataType where
Int == Int = True
Float == Float = True
Bool == Bool = True
Char == Char = True
Range == Range = True
Type == Type = True
(String _) == (String _) = True
(Record l1 s1 _) == (Record l2 s2 _) = (l1 == l2) && (s1 == s2)
(Union l1 s1 _) == (Union l2 s2 _) = (l1 == l2) && (s1 == s2)
(Array l1 e1 _) == (Array l1 e1 _) = (l1 == l2) && (e1 == e2)
(UserDef i1) == (UserDef i2) = i1 == i2
Void == Void = True
TypeError == TypeError = True
_ == _ = False