I'm learning about arithmetic of floating point number. And I wrote following code. But floating point exception does not occur. My environment is Cent OS 6.4 (x86_64).
Please teach me this reason.
#include <stdio.h>
double a,b,c;
unsigned short int fctr;
asm volatile(
"fstcw %w0" // get FPU control word
printf("FPU control word= %X\n", fctr);
fctr = fctr ^ 0x4;
printf("FPU control word= %X\n", fctr);
asm volatile(
"fldcw %w0" // set operand to FPU control word
: :"m"(fctr));
asm volatile(
"fstcw %w0" // get FPU control word
printf("FPU control word= %X\n", fctr);
c = a/b;
return 0;
Probably because the x86_64 architecture by default does floating point with SSE2 not x87. (the statusword belongs to x87)
Compile with -S and check if the generated assembler really is x87.
Search for MXCSR in this link