I am fairly new to Vim and mainly use gVim for most of my coding purposes. I am trying to figure out what to add in my _vimrc (in windows) to make my comments italic.
I tried adding
highlight Comment cterm=italic
but that didn't work. My modifications so far in my vimrc (if it matters) is:
color slate
set number
set nowrap
set guioptions+=b
if has('gui_running')
set guifont=Consolas:h10
So what can I do so that my comments appear in italics (consolas, italic, size 10)?
The cterm
definition is only for high color terminals; for the GUI, you need to use the gui=
highlight Comment cterm=italic gui=italic
Also, put this after the :colorscheme
command in your ~/.vimrc
, or else it might get overridden.