
Not able to generate the code coverage result using Devel::Cover

I tried to find code coverage for a test file with Devel::Cover. I have a .pm module sitting in the same area. I am using perl -MDevel::Cover, which generates a cover_db and has a runs subdirectory inside.

Inside the runs subdirectory, a versionated directory is created every time I run the Cover command and a cover.13 is obtained. This cover.13 file (I think) has the raw data for code coverage results.

Still, I am unable to get the test results in a HTML output format or on the Terminal screen.

This is what I do:

  1. Run the perl -MDevel::Cover

    Here, the uses a .pm module which is sitting in the same area.

  2. When I run above command, it runs the test file but no test coverage output as shown in Devel::Cover HTML output is obtained. Nevertheless, the cover.13 file is created every time.

    Cover.13 <- 1401378982.24872.12631 <- runs <- cover_db .

  3. Can someone tell me how to get the HTML file, please? I was able to run a dummy test with the same features and generate a HTML file. But with my actual test, it does not. Or is there a way to convert the cover.13 file to HTML that is not being done in my case?


  • After running perl -MDevel::Cover, run the cover command. For example:

    cover -report html -outputdir cover_report